FAMCO Celebrated National Coop. Week at Chitradurga, Karnataka
On 19.11.2019 and 20.11.2019 FAMCO in collaboration with Chithra Don Bosco, a NGO at Chitradurga, Karnataka, held two awareness creation meetings for 95 SHG members at Sajjanakere, and Hosing board Colony, Chitradurga respectively. Rev. Fr. Sonychen Mathew (Director, Chithra Don Bosco, Chitradurga and Vice- Chairman, FAMCO), Mrs. Bharathi (WEP Coordinator, Chithra Don Bosco and Board of Director, FAMCO), Mr. Somalingappa (SHG Field Officer, Chithra Don Bosco,), Mr.Jayanna (SHG Field Officer, Chithra Don Bosco) and 50 SHG members from Sajjanakere and 45 SHG members from Housing Board Colony participated in the meeting.
Rev.Fr. Sonychen Mathew said, “This year National cooperative Union of India is organizing 66th All India cooperative week from 14-20 November, 2019, with the theme “The Role of Co-operative Societies in New India”. The weeklong celebrations provide an opportunity to directing Co-operative societies and Cooperative Institutions to uphold their achievements and develop the Co-operative movement. It is also an occasion to build up awareness about cooperatives at all levels of the society, especially the benefits of cooperatives in solving the socio – economic problems of our country”. He explained about membership, Loan, its interest, savings and profit. Mrs. Bharathi encouraged the participants to come together at least once a month and share their ideas and get connected so that the efforts of FAMCO is well understood by them, especially the learning materials from the International Cooperative Alliance could be used for creating an understanding on the cooperatives in a better way. The message from Dr.Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, President, National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI), New Delhi, was read out and explained to the participants. The members pledged to follow Cooperation as the way of their life for building a New India.