Capital & Loans

Share Capital:

The authorized share capital is Rs. One Crore made up of 1 00,000 shares each with a face value of Rs. 100.
The paid up share capital is Rs. 12,57,900/- as on 31.03.2020.


1. Fixed Deposits:

The amount of fixed deposits as on 31.03.2020 is Rs. 1,64, 85,510/-.

2. Thrift Deposits:

The total amount as Thrift Deposit at FAMCO as on 31.03.2020 is Rs.2,500/-.

3. Savings Deposit:

The total amount available as Savings deposit at FAMCO is Rs.9, 19,314 as on 31.03.2020.

4. Recurring Deposits:

 FAMCO mobilized a total Recurring deposit of Rs.9, 92,743/- during the year. The total     amount of R.D is Rs.26,64,094/-.

 Total Deposits:

Fixed Deposits                 1,64, 85, 510.00

Savings Deposits                   9, 19, 314.00

Thrift Deposit                              2, 500.00

Recurring Deposit              26, 64, 094.00

Total                            2 ,00, 71, 418.00



In all the 11 years as on 31.03.2020, totally Rs.10,43,35,000/- had been given as loans to 441 SHGs for 6814 families. The loans have helped the members to run self managed small business, school fees for children, redemption from high rate interest loans, agriculture, purchase of milch animals, goats, building house, house repair etc.