Thanjavur Promotional Activites
FAMCO, Puducherry, Initiates
Savings Among Women College Students
Motivation and Inauguration of SHGs Among Students of Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur
On 12.10.2018 a team comprising of Rev.Fr.A.S.Antonisamy, Founder, FAMCO, Mr.G.Joseph Adrien Anto, Chairman, FAMCO, Rev.Sr.A.S.B.Lourdumary, Member, FAMCO and Councilor, FIHM, Puducherry, and Mr.M.Aloysius, CEO, FAMCO, went to Bon Secours College for Women, Tanjavur, on invitation from the Principal of the College. Nearly 700 students gathered in the College Auditorium. A motivation meeting was held to create awareness among the students. Department of Commerce initiated the programme. The SHGs were formally inaugurated. The Bon Secours College Administration was pleased to sanction a donation of Rs.5, 000/- for the promotion of SHGs among the students. It was suggested to conduct training on accounting and records keeping for the leaders of the SHGs during 2019.
Signing of MOU with Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur
On 07.02.2019 a team comprising of Rev.Fr.A.S.Antonisamy, Founder, FAMCO, Mr.G.Joseph Adrien Anto, Chairman, FAMCO, Rev. Sr. A.S.B. Lourdumary, Member, FAMCO and Councilor, FIHM, Puducherry, Mrs.D.Jebamalai Mary, Secretary, FAMCO, Mr. P.F.M. Tagore, Treasurer, FAMCO, Mrs.S.Rakkini, Director, FAMCO, Mrs.D.Roselin Vijaya, Vice-Chairman, FAMCO, Mrs.M.Jenova Mary, Director, FAMCO and Mr.M.Aloysius, CEO, FAMCO, went to Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur, on invitation from the Principal of the College for signing the MOU. FAMCO team interacted with the students on the promotion and development of the SHGs and the benefits they derived from FAMCO.
The MOU between FAMCO, Puducherry, and the Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur, for the promotion and functioning of the SHGs formed by the students and Faculty of the College was signed on that day. Rev.Dr.Sr. Cathelina, Principal and Mr. M. Aloysius, CEO, FAMCO, signed the MOU and exchanged the copies.
This novel experiment is the pioneer effort of FAMCO and Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur in the states of Tamilnadu, Pondicherry and Karnataka and even in the whole of India. FAMCO takes the first humble step to show the way to other replicators like Colleges and educational institutions.
Thanks to the Rev.Dr.Mariammal, Secretary and Rev. Dr. Sr. Cathelina, Principal of the College for initiating the novel programme of FAMCO.
Formation of Student SHGs in Women’s College, Thanjavur
On 27.03.2019, 30 SHGs were formed in the Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur, with a total membership of 582 students covering the under graduates and post graduates of the college. These SHGs were enrolled in FAMCO as members. The students have pledged to save money during their study at the college. When they leave the college, they will take their savings together with interest. Thus the students not only learn the value of savings but also learn practically to save collectively, maintain proper records, accounting, function as members of a group, follow the rules and regulations of their own, become leaders of their own group and perform the required roles of leadership positions.