To build up an egalitarian society as one family based on the principles of cooperation where the virtues of justice, equality, freedom, fraternity, and peace are the living values of the people at the local, state and national level.
FAMCO will work with the poor, the marginalized, the vulnerable, the downtrodden, and the excluded communities and families through their groups/associations and by their participation and sharing. In this process, FAMCO will collaborate with Societies, Trusts, Associations, Companies, Cooperatives, and other Organizations which believe in the cooperative/development principles towards the empowerment of the people.
This cooperative structure is based on SHGs making everyone in the group a member of the cooperative. The rationale behind this approach is to enable the individual families which are represented in the groups become a part of a wider network. Moreover, “each for all and all for each” is best achieved through well-formed groups that are not only self-helping but helping others through a network. SHGs also create a sense of belonging and family spirit in their cooperative enterprise.